Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Population Control Policies

If you have the chance to choose between having children or just having fun without children's matters in this life, what your choice is going to be? Population control policies is the best way to have both children and fun in this life. Population control policies are existence and have been applied in some coutries like. Population control policies should put in place to control our reproduction and our number of children. There are many positive points of putting population control policies in place, for example, we will have better health, less pollution and better standard of living.

First, population control policies will offer a better health for the people. Diseases spread slower in the low or moderated population areas, so the diseases will decrease, for example, malarias, viruses and bird flu. Moreover with the low population, governments can care about the health of more people because with the high population, we will have many cases needs more money for treatment but with the modorate population, the goverment will care better about their people, for example, there are enough beds in the hospitals and there are acceptable prices for the drugs. everyone should care about his/her health by saying yes to the population control policies and support to put them in place because they are efficiency to decrease the diseases and to offer a better health services from the goverments.

Second, population control policies will decrease the rate of pollution. If there are fewrer people, there will be fewer cars which will decrease the rate of the population. There are many large cities with high rates of pollution because of the high population such as, New York, Chicago and LA. One more advantage of the low population is that there is no more people will use the wood or cut down the trees, which are one of the natural ways to clear the air. There are many uses of the wood, for example, for warming, for cooking and for building. So we can notice how important the population control policies are for our environment when we have less pollution from the cars and less waste of the trees.

Finally, population control policies will increase the standards of living. When we have moderate number of population, our government will care more about our education. For example, we will have enough seats in the schools, enough seats in the universities and more scholarships. Furthermore, with the few members of the family, parents could save more money and could offer better life for themselves and for their children, for example, traveling in vacations, good house and good car. Certainly, there are effects of population control policies on our standard of living positively when the government can care more about our education and when each single family can save more money to enjoy their life more and more.

Opponents of the population control policies claim that population control policies should not put in place because some of them say that with more people, we will have economic power. However, this argument is illogical because population control policies could offer better economic. With population control policies, we will save much more money because of the few number of the family members to educate ourselves and our children about new skills and technologies in the life, which will lead our economic to rise up, for example, learn soft wearing and languages. One more important thing that population control policies could will offer more chances to work or more available jobs for the citizens, so they will have better income to improve their economic situation. There are many countries facing the problem of there are no available jobs for their people because of the high population, for example, Egypt and Morocco. Population control policies is a great way to improve our knowledge and our income to have a better economic situation.

In conclusion, we see how population control policies is beneficial for our life in order to have a good health, better environment and higher standard of living for people. Population control policies is one of the best ways to enjoy our life by having limited number of children and care more about them. Governments also will have a great opportunity to offer and show more services to their citizens. Imagine that someday we have one person in every square meter, how our life is going to be. There is no doubt that we will cover every single job in our country and we will have to travel away to fine a job. Why we don’t start to apply the population control policies through our life and see what is the different between us and the people who don’t apply with population control policies.

How Important are The Parenting Classes

When was the last time your child crying while you were shopping in Wal Mart? What did you do? Do you need help? Parenting classes are issued to educate us about the effective ways to grow up our children and how to offer a great future for them. Any child in his/her first years looks like a pizza that we can add anything we like on it and remove anything we don't like from it before we put it in the oven. Sanders (2007), says that "The key to prevention of antisocial behavior in young people is the quality of parenting children receive in the early years of life" (para 5). It is so important to focus on our children's first years because it is easy to deal with them and to build great values in their personalities. Many parents have troubles with their children because of the lack of the appropriate skills in some situations. Parents should take parenting classes to solve their children problems successfully, to offer better future for their children and to have better relationships with their children.

First, parenting classes will help the parents to solve their children's problems successfully. Parents will learn the current or the new generation matters that their children may face in the schools or outside the schools and how to protect them. There are different dangerous problems that children may have like homosexual people and drugs. In addition, parents will learn many skills and techniques to deal with their children and solve their problems. For example when parents find one of their children smoking, what should they do? Or when they find one of their children using drugs, how can they solve this problem? The answers of all of these questions are in the parenting classes that all of the parents should take. They will learn how to encourage their children and how to treat all of the negative events that their children may have during their first years.

Second, parenting classes will help the parents to offer better future for their children. There are many good ethics that every parent should build in their children to make them acceptable in any society. We should explain all of the great values to our kids and how these great values will help them to avoid the negative future. So, when we educate our kids to be honest they will not steal and they will not cheat. Sanders (2007), writes that "Children who grow up in family environments of criticism, negativity, uncertainty, inadequate monitoring and supervision and family conflict are at greater risk of becoming involved in crime" (para 4). Therefore, we understand that parents affect their children by moving their habits to their children or by educating them any value. We should educate our kids who to be honest, polite and confident. Moreover, parenting classes will help the parents to care more about their children's health and education. Parents will protect their children from any disease by offering a clean environment around them and using disinfectant materials to clean the house. We should care more about our children's education by talking with them about their dreams in the future, encouraging them to get the high scores and offering some gifts when they get high grades. We are dreaming to offer a good future, education and health for our children and all of our dreams can be true with the parenting classes.

Finally, parenting classes will help the parents to have better relationship with their children. Some parents do not have a good relationship with their children because they do not discuss their problems with them, they do not attend their parties in the schools and they do not go out with them during the weekend. Parenting classes will teach us about all of these things to be closer to our children. Furthermore, parenting classes will explain to us how to correct our children's bad behaviors. Many children behave negatively inside houses or outside, such as beating the other children, destroying the toys and crying a lot to get anything. To avoid our neighbor's complains when our sons beat their sons, we should attend the parenting classes to solve all of these bad behaviors.

Opponents of parenting classes say that parents should not take parenting classes because their grandparents didn't take parenting classes and they are fine. However, this argument is untrue because this is not the agricultural society or the industrial society, it is the information society. Now, there are many new technologies that our children could see or se and there are many dangerous behaviors in the Internet or in the play station games such as, raping or killing the people. Life has been improved and with this improvement we should improve our knowledge by attending the parenting classes. Before, parents used to beat the children if they did something wrong, but many psychologists recommend people not to beat their children anymore because they brake their children personalities. There are many practical skills that we should learn to educate our kids and the best way to know these skills is the parenting classes.

In conclusion, parents should take and attend the parenting classes. There are many benefits from taking the parenting classes such as, we will solve our children problems successfully, we will offer better future for our children, and we will have better relationships with our children. People should start the parenting classes to build a great generation for the future. Imagine that our children become murders, we will feel guilty, and we will regret that we did not attend the parenting classes. We know it is easy to have children, but it is not easy to have good children.

Sanders, M. (2007, November 27). Parents have lessons to learn. The Courier Mail. 24, Retrieved February 01, 2008, from LexisNexis database.

Cloned Food

Cloned Food
In Guterl’s (2008) article entitled "Would You Like Fries With Your Clone?" he introduces the topic of eating clone food and he says that cloning food is not a dangerous. First, he mentions that some organizations are going to permit cloned food to be sold to consumers and he talks about the history of GM food beside the problems of GM food. Next, he gives the background on GM food and compares Europe who don’t like GM food to Americans who don’t care about GM food, but both want labels on GM food. Then, he asks if cloned food is dangerous or not and he shows that cloning could improve the US farmers business. He writes that farmers have already cloned some cows and he compares the milk and the meet between original and cloned cows. Finally, he discusses the genetic effects of the cloning and shows that there is no evidence could prove that cloned food is dangerous. In conclusion, the author says that cloned food is not harmful food and it is coming in the way; therefore cloning food will probably be used widely in coming years in USA and Europe.
What did you eat today? Do you know if is original food or copy? Do you know what the copy food is? Copy food is the cloned food from the original and it has many disadvantages. Unfortunately, cloned food is on the way to the markets. We should not buy cloned food because we do not know everything about it yet, small farmers may lose their business and cloning may affect the genes.

First, we do not know everything about cloned food. It may create some diseases in the future. Stress is one of the greatest examples of the effects of the new technologies that we start to use in our life without knowing the future influence of them. According to "Mobiles Linked to Disturbed Sleep" (2008) the author says that the radiations ,which are produced from using the mobiles, could disturb the forming of the hormone melatonin that manage our bodies internal rhythms. New technologies may cause many matters in our life that could lead us to000 bad conditions. Cloned food may create a new generation of people who are not healthier because this cloned food may not have the same beneficial values as the original food. For example, fresh food has better values than not fresh food and when you buy an original Armani jeans, it will be better than copying Armani jeans. We should understand that the original is better than the copying and we should not lose our money in low quality stuff. So, people should say; we are not guinea pigs that cloning organizations making their food for us beside they do not know the effects of the cloned food on people and they are not sure about the quality of the their cloned food.

Second, small farmers may lose their business because of cloned food. Big farmers will increase their production to raise their profits, but small farmers may be eliminated from the business or the market. For example, in stock markets the small investors often lose because they do not have experience and they do not have much money to remedy their losses in the markets. Some families may be affected with no income when the markets supported by the cloned food instead of the original food that they used to grow in their farms. For example, many shops have been closed because of Wal Mart because Wal Mart dominated the market and attracted many customers. People should not buy the cloned food and think about the small farmers because when they closed their farms, their children will suffer and may steal to live. We should think about each other and protect our source of income and other people sources income to live in pace.

Finally, cloning may affect the genes and change the appearance of the animals and the plants. Some researchers found that there is an influence of cloning on the genes. No one will be happy if he/she sees some cows with four ears or an apple inside a watermelon. With cloning animals may have strange looking with different DNA, which will produce a new generation of freak animals with one eye, two noses and with six hands? These animals are not the original animal that we use to see in the farms or in the TV. Furthermore, some of these strange animals are going to be our food, which may deliver some strange DNA to human. we are fine now with our original food and we do not like to change it to some alternative food that may affect our genes or change the normal look of the animals and the plants.

In conclusion, cloned food is not an original food that we can depend on, and we should not use it in our life. People should say no to cloned food because we don't know everything about it, small farmers may lose their business and cloned food may affect the DNA. Companies that producing clones food should understand that we are human beings and we are not going to be their guinea pigs to check if there are any future effects of their product. We have to care about ourselves and do not eat any food that we are not sure about the future effect of it. We do not want to have any kind of diseases in the future and we should protect our health. Imagine that one of your children had a dangerous disease because of the cloned food, would you be satisfied?

BBC NEWS. (2008, January 21). Mobiles linked to disturbed sleep. Retrieved February 5, 2008, from http://www.news.bbc.co.uk
Guterl, F. (2008, January 18). Would you like fries with your clone?. Newsweek. Retrieved February 5, 2008, from http://www.newsweek.com

Solutions for the Food Crisis

How do we feel when one of our children goes to the school without food or without some money to buy food? We may leave our jobs or our houses and go to the school to feed our children. In contrast, do you know that there are some people who do not eat for weeks or months? They are not suffering for two, three or four days without food; they are dying because they are hungry. Food crisis is a critical problem that has happened in some countries and still happening in different places around the world. No one can live without food because food is our main energy for life. Rich, strong and more developed countries should help the countries that are facing the food crisis and support them as much as they can. There are many steps that Rich, strong and more developed countries can do to help and feed the hungry people such as, they should send some volunteers, they should form new philanthropic organizations and they should plan biotechnology projects.

Macer (2005), writes that "Food crisis is a state of emergency in which populations are at risk of death, disease and panic due to dire shortages of food (i.e. famine) or food contamination"(p 1). Food crisis could start in any country where the economic and political situations are not strong. There are many events may affect the economic and political situations in any country such as disasters, over population, wars, resource depletion and poverty. We can not say when the food crisis started because it has happened in different decades and in different centuries. Today, there are food crises in South America, Asia and Europe, but the worst food crisis is in Africa. In "Nigeria; Challenge of Africa's Food Crisis" the author explains that there are 13 to14 million people are in urgent need of food help in Southern Africa. Many countries in Africa have some hungry people and undernourished such as Chad, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia and Burundi. In "Somalia; Two Million Face Crisis, Warn Agencies" the author tells us that "Between 1.8 million and two million people, including roughly one million IDPs [internally displaced people], are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance and livelihood support for at least the next six months" (para. 3). There are many people in Africa suffering because they do not eat. In Asia, there are some disasters that have affected many countries. Tsunami is one example of a harmful disaster, which attacked many countries in Asia and left many people hungry and without houses. So, people should know that there is a Lack of assistance to face the food crisis, which leads some people to die because they did not have enough food to eat. More developed countries should participate in solving the food crisis problems by doing serious steps to help the hungry people.

First, more developed countries should send volunteers to the people who are facing food crisis. Volunteers could work in the countries where the food crisis is and support the hungry people by forming some agricultural projects and using the new technology to produce as much food as they can. With the new technology and the skills in agriculture projects, hungry people may get a good resource of food. Volunteers can grow fruits, vegetables and rice to help the hungry people. Moreover, volunteers can educate the hungry people about how they can plant their land and explain how important the farming is. With the effective education system, hungry people may start to think about the potential treasure which is the crop that can be produced from their lands and begin to depend on their land to get the food. In "My Seven" (2005) the author explains that the great example of the benefits of educating the people about the agricultural works in their lands to face the food crisis is the green belt movement in Kenya (para 1). One lady educated the people in Kenya about how farming can feed people, save the environment and improve the economic situation. In addition, many African governments hope that their people work in the agricultural activities to avoid the food crisis. In "Zambians Urged to Develop Agriculture to Face Food Crisis" the author says that "Steven Mukuka, deputy minister in the office of the vice- president, on Tuesday called on the citizenry to take up the challenge and expend their energies into agriculture to help the country attain food security". People from the rich, strong and more developed countries should use their knowledge and their skills to help, support and educate the hungry people in the agricultural projects to face the food crisis.

Second, rich and more developed countries should form more philanthropic organizations to help the hungry people. Philanthropic organizations may help to improve the agriculture practices and care about the hungry people. For example, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) is a philanthropic organization which is doing a great job especially in the poor and hungry countries. There are many good efforts from philanthropic organizations to care about the poor people, educate them, treat them and feed them. Philanthropic organizations can face the food crisis by distributing the food to the poor and hungry people around the world and save the fishing areas. Philanthropic organizations can assist the hungry children around the world by feeding them with healthy food that could build their bodies and making effective programs to save the fishing areas from pollutions. There are many organizations are caring about empowering the weak people and distributing the food to face the food crisis such as, WFP (World Food Program) and FNS (Food and Nutrition Service). We can see who important the philanthropic organizations are and by forming or issuing more philanthropic organizations, more developed countries may decrease the effect of food crisis on the poor countries.

Finally, more developed countries should plan a biotechnology projects to feed the hungry people. Cloned food is one new technology that many companies have already started to produce as an alternative way of food resource. So, we should use this new technology to help and to feed the poor people without scaring about losing their food resources. People in the poor countries are eating the roots of the plants in order to live, so we should help them by applying the biotechnology projects in their countries to double the food and to support them. We can clone the biggest cows, lambs and the chickens. In addition, GM food is another way of biotechnology projects which could offer a great help to the hungry people. Eicher (2006), writes that " Recent reports, workshops and meetings on GM (Genetically Modified) crops tend to characterize GM food production as a solution to Africa’s food crisis". GM food is an effective food with a technology to enrich the food with the important Nutrition's values. More developed countries should use this technology in the hungry and poor countries to feed the people there with the high amount of Vitamins, Proteins and Calories to face the food crisis. There are many benefits of using the biotechnology projects in the poor countries like they will double and enrich the food. So biotechnology projects is a great solution to face the food crisis.

Opponents of helping the people who are facing food crisis by sending the food say that sending food to the poor people is not an effective way because as long as rich and more developed countries keep sending the food to the poor countries, poor people will depend on the rich and more developed countries for all of their life. However, this argument is untrue because people who are facing the food crisis are dying and more developed countries should stop that. In Pomfret's (1998) article "Aid Group Pulls out Of N. Korea; Rulers Said to Block Access to Hungriest" he explains that food crisis is killing between 300.000 and 800.000 persons annually in North Korea. There are many people died and still dying because of the food crisis. Rich countries should stop the die effect of food crisis on the people now and then they can think about how to teach the hungry people how to relay on themselves. Furthermore, food crisis makes people weak, hungry and without energy. Human beings cannot work or learn if they do not eat because they do not have any energy to burn or to help their bodies in order to do any activity. Cars need fossil fuels to move, plants need water to grow and people need cpecific or certain amount of food to work. So, more developed countries should support the people who are living under the roof of poverty by sending food to stop the die effect of food crisis, to empower the poor people' bodies, and to help them to plant their lands in order to depend on their own food resources.

In conclusion, rich and more developed countries should help the people who are facing the food crisis by sending the volunteers, issuing new philanthropic organizations and planning the biotechnology projects. people should put our hands together and think as one family and care about each other. No one will live forever either the people who are facing the food crisis or not, but we all deserve to live this life, enjoy it and die without suffering of being hungry. It is not fair that some people are eating as much as they can and other people in the other side are dying because they do not have anything to eat. Rich people should not be selfish and think about themselves and their children. Some people now are throwing the expired food in the garbage while other people in Africa are eating the roots of the plants looking for any rope that could lead them to live. Imagine it is your son or daughter that is hungry, what would you do? How many steps would you take? There are some people on this planet that are very hungry and we should start strong steps to help, to support and to feed them. Turn on your TV and look for any documentary movie about Africa to see their situation, then you can decide how much they deserve the help.


Africa News. (2008, February 5). Somalia; two million face crisis, warn agencies. Retrieved February 17, 2008, from Lexis Nexis.

Africa News. (2007, September 10). Zimbabwe; boarding school closes as food crisis worsens. Retrieved February 17, 2008, from Lexis Nexis.

BBC. (2007, November 30). EU promises help to Bangladesh with imminent
food crisis. Retrieved February 17, 2008, from Lexis Nexis.

Africa News. (2007, April 14). Burundi; Canada responds to Burundi food
crisis. Retrieved February 17, 2008, from Lexis Nexis.

Africa News. (2007, December 18). Gambia; food crisis monitoring and prevention training on the way. Retrieved February 17, 2008, from Lexis Nexis.

Africa News. (2002, September 10). Nigeria; challenge of Africa's food crisis.
Retrieved February 17, 2008, from Lexis Nexis.

Pomfret, J. (1998, September 30). Aid group pulls out of N. Korea; rulers said to block access to hungriest. The Washington Post. Retrieved February 17, 2008, from LexisNexis.

Xinhua. (2003, February 25). Zambians urged to develop agriculture to face food crisis, XINHUA. Retrieved February 17, 2008, from Lexis Nexis